Who We Are

David Peetz + Maria Tumarkin

Festival Hub, Maiwar Green


Culture/Social Equity / Politics



#About the event


David Peetz

David Peetz

David Peetz is professor of employment relations at Griffith University and a co-researcher at the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail in Canada. He has previously published in Griffith Review #15, #22 and #45 and in many editions of The Conversation.

He was once a manager in the Senior Executive Service of Australian Department of Industrial Relations and has undertaken work for unions, employers, the International Labor Organisation and governments of both political persuasions in and outside of Australia, including a recent report tabled in the Queensland Parliament on the workers compensation system.

His most recent, sixth, book is Women, Labor Segmentation and Regulation: Varieties of Gender Gaps, he is presently writing The Realities and Futures of Work and has also published Brave New Workplace and Women of the Coal Rushes. 

Maria Tumarkin

Maria Tumarkin

Maria Tumarkin is a writer and cultural historian. She holds a BA (Hons) and a PhD in cultural history from the University of Melbourne. She is the author of three acclaimed books of ideas: Traumascapes,
Courage and Otherland. All three books were shortlisted for literary prizes; Otherland, most recently, was shortlisted for the Victorian Premier’s Award, NSW Premier’s Award and The Age Book of the Year.

Maria’s essays have appeared in 'The Best Australian Essays' (2011, 2012 & 2015), 'Griffith Review', 'Meanjin', 'The Monthly', 'Kill Your Darlings', 'Sydney Review of Books', 'The Age', 'The Australian' and 'Inside Story'. In 2015 her essay No Skin was shortlisted for the Melbourne Prize of Literature.

Maria is involved in wide-ranging artistic collaborations with visual artists, theatre makers and audio designers. She was a 2013–14 Sidney Myer Creative Fellow in humanities and is a member of the Melbourne Writers Festival’s programming committee.    


Peter Mares

Peter Mares

Peter Mares is an independent writer and researcher. He is a contributing editor with the online magazine Inside Story and a senior moderator with The Cranlana Programme. Peter was a broadcaster with the ABC for twenty-five years, serving as a foreign correspondent based in Hanoi and presenting national radio programs.

He is the author of the award-winning Borderline: Australia’s Response to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Wake of the Tampa. His 2016 book Not Quite Australian: How Temporary Migration Is Changing the Nation was shortlisted in the New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards.


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