No Place Like Home, Repairing Australia's Housing Crisis

Peter Mares

Festival Hub, Maiwar Green





#About the event


Peter Mares

Peter Mares

Peter Mares is an independent writer and researcher. He is a contributing editor with the online magazine Inside Story and a senior moderator with The Cranlana Programme. Peter was a broadcaster with the ABC for twenty-five years, serving as a foreign correspondent based in Hanoi and presenting national radio programs.

He is the author of the award-winning Borderline: Australia’s Response to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Wake of the Tampa. His 2016 book Not Quite Australian: How Temporary Migration Is Changing the Nation was shortlisted in the New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards.

#Special Guest

David Cant

Prior to moving on at the end of August 2017 David Cant has performed the role of CEO of Brisbane Housing Company (BHC) a leading community housing provider in Queensland which owns over 1500 homes in Brisbane rented to low income households in housing need.

All of David’s career has been committed to helping people in housing need, initially in the UK and for the last 15 years in Brisbane.

David led the team that created the BHC in 2001. Under his leadership since that time, BHC has earned a reputation for award winning design, business innovation and high quality services.

David was a member of the Prime Ministers Council on Homelessness which advised a previous Commonwealth government on measures to tackle homelessness.

David has an MA from Oxford University in politics and economics and an MPhil in town planning from University College London. David participated in the Senior Executive Program at the London Business School.


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