The Juliet Code/The Love That I Have

Christine Wells + James Moloney

QAG Lecture Theatre

Action/Crime / Historical Fiction / History/War Stories



#About the event


Christine Wells

Christine Wells

Christine Wells is an internationally bestselling author of sixteen published novels. Her most recent release, The Royal Windsor Secret, about a young woman who believes she is the secret, illegitimate daughter of Edward VIII. Christine writes about strong, clever women from the past, and as a former lawyer, she often features legal themes in her books. Christine lives in Brisbane and loves sharing her knowledge of the writing craft and the publishing business with other writers through workshops and private mentorships.

James Moloney

James Moloney

James Moloney is one of Australia’s most respected writers for Young Adults and Children. His novels have won numerous awards and regularly feature in children’s choice awards. A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove is widely studied in schools. His deeply emotional novel for adults, The Love That I Have, set in a Nazi concentration camp, generated overwhelming response from readers and appeared on many best seller lists during 2018.


Vicki Bennett

Vicki Bennett

Vicki is an author, a corporate trainer and artist. She has written 27 books and written and co-produced a documentary, Never Forget Australia. She is in currently working with a feature film producer on her screenplay, The Little French Digger. Books include I’ve Found the Keys Now Where’s the Car?, Making Dreams Come True, I’ve Read The Rules, Now How Do I Play The Game, Signposts for Life, and The Little Stowaway. The Girl Guides Association has honoured Vicki with the Woman of Substance Award. Vicki has contributed to Young Achievement Australia as a past Queensland Chairman and National Trustee.

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