Nagaland/Trick of the Light

Magical New Fiction

Ben Doherty + Laura Elvery

QAG Lecture Theatre

Contemporary Storytelling / Culture/Social Equity / Romance



#About the event


Ben Doherty

Ben Doherty

Ben Doherty is a correspondent, photographer, and video journalist, currently working as immigration correspondent for The Guardian, based in the Sydney newsroom.  He was formerly Southeast Asia Correspondent for The Guardian, and South Asia Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald. He has reported from more than 20 countries across Asia, the Pacific and Africa.  He has won three Walkley Awards, Australia's highest journalism honour, most recently in 2016 for a feature on the systemic - and ultimately fatal - flaws in Australia’s immigration detention regime, and in 2013 for an investigation into Bangladeshi sweatshop labour conditions.

He was 2008 Australian Young Print Journalist of the Year, and has been awarded three United Nations Association media peace prizes.  He holds a Master of International Law and International Relations from the University of New South Wales, and is a visiting fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford.

Ben is a former footballer with the Brisbane Lions and Melbourne Demons football clubs, and was a student at Brisbane State High School and the Queensland Conservatorium of Music.  His first novel, Nagaland, is published by Wild Dingo Press.

Laura Elvery

Laura Elvery

Laura Elvery is a writer from Brisbane. She is the author of two short story collections, Trick of the Light and Ordinary Matter. Laura's next book is a novel called Nightingale that reimagines Florence Nightingale's final hours. 


Nick Earls

Nick Earls

Nick Earls is the author of 28 books, most recently the novel Empires. Two of his novels have been adapted into feature films and five into stage plays. His writing has won awards in Australian, the UK and US. 

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