Deep Time Dreaming/The Black Arm Band/The Edge of Memory
Australian Histories Discovered
Henry Reynolds + Patrick Nunn + Billy Griffiths
Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland
Culture/Social Equity / Environment / Historical Fiction
#About the event
Duration: 60 minutes
Three extraordinary researchers brought together to re-set the record. Indigenous Australian’s stories, archaeology and geographic evidence is brought to bare as witness to the long history of Australia. Find out what the history books should say about the role of Aboriginal Australians in managing the land, and how significant events are remembered for millennia through stories passed down through generations.
Chair: Maurice Serico
Henry Reynolds
H.R was born and grew up in Tasmania and returned to live there in2000. He worked at James Cook University in Townsville for thirty years. His wife Margaret was a Senator for Queensland from 1983 to 1999. He taught both Australian history and politics. He is best known for his pioneering work on the history of settler-indigenous relations which became widely known with the publication of The Other Side of the Frontier in 1981. Many books followed. They have been widely read and have received many literary prizes including two Queensland Premier's Prizes. His book Drawing the Global Colour Line, co-authored with Marilyn Lake won the Prime Minister's Prize for non-fiction.
He has contributed widely to public discourse with many articles in national newspapers and frequent appearances on television and radio.
Patrick Nunn
Currently Professor of Geography at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Patrick Nunn formerly taught and researched for 25 years at the international University of the South Pacific, based at its Fiji campus. It was here he developed interests in Indigenous knowledge and particularly in ancient stories, some of which he considers recall observations of memorable events long before written records began.
For the last decade, Patrick’s research interests have extended to Australian Indigenous stories. His analysis of ‘drowning’ stories from 22 sites along the Australian coast suggest that Aboriginal Australians kept alive memories of post-glacial sea-level rise - when the ocean rose across the continent’s fringes - for more than 7000 years.
His new book, The Edge of Memory, discusses these stories and similar ones from Europe and India. For sustained service to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Patrick shared its award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He also received the Gregory Medal of the Pacific Science Association in 2003 and, in May 2018, was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland.
Patrick is a prodigious writer with over 250 peer-reviewed publications to his credit including six books.
Billy Griffiths
Billy Griffiths is a writer, historian and research fellow at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation. His latest book, Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Australia, explores the extraordinary deep history of the Australian continent. He is also the author of The China Breakthrough and co-editor with Mike Smith of The Australian Archaeologist’s Book of Quotations.
Maurice Serico
Maurice is an Aboriginal man of Gubbi Gubbi, Jiman and UK Australian heritage. He completed his BA in philosophy and English literature at University of Queensland in 1979. Since 1980 he has worked in Aboriginal Affairs including in the office of the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and a variety of positions in Aboriginal health, eduction and TAFE and human resources in both the public and community sectors. Maurice combines his roles of Co-Chair of RQI and Chair of Balaangala Community Group (The Gap) while managing a chronic kidney condition. Maurice participates in supporting the kidney health community.