Spies Like Us

Christine Wells + Brett Mason + Melanie Myers

Auditorium 2, slq

Main Festival



#About the event


Christine Wells

Christine Wells

Christine Wells is an internationally bestselling author of sixteen published novels. Her most recent release, The Royal Windsor Secret, about a young woman who believes she is the secret, illegitimate daughter of Edward VIII. Christine writes about strong, clever women from the past, and as a former lawyer, she often features legal themes in her books. Christine lives in Brisbane and loves sharing her knowledge of the writing craft and the publishing business with other writers through workshops and private mentorships.

Brett Mason

Brett Mason

Brett Mason is Chair of the Council of the National Library of Australia, a member of the Council of Griffith University and Adjunct Professor in the School of Justice at QUT. He was formerly a senator for Queensland, serving in the ministry, before being appointed Australia's Ambassador to the Hague and Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. His previous book, Wizards of Oz: How Oliphant and Florey helped win the war and shape the modern world, was published by NewSouth in 2022. 

Melanie Myers

Melanie Myers

Melanie is a writer, editor and researcher. Her debut novel Meet Me at Lennon's (UQP) won the 2018 QLA's Glendower Award for an Emerging Writer. Her work has been published in Kill Your Darlings, Griffith Review, Arena Magazine, Overland, Hecate, TEXT and elsewhere. She is a winner of the 2022 Griffith Review Emerging Voices competition and the 2024 winner of the UQ Creative Writing Fellowship. She teaches at the University of Queensland. 

#More events

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Auditorium 2, slq

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