LGBTQIA+ Children's Books

Jessica Walton

The Parlour, State Library of Queensland

Families / Free event


#About the event


Jessica Walton

Jessica Walton

Jessica Walton is a queer, disabled writer and speaker. They co-wrote an episode of Get Krack!n focused on disability, which aired on ABC in 2019. They are the author of graphic novel Stars In Their Eyes, with artwork by Aśka (Fremantle Press 2021) and Introducing Teddy, illustrated by Dougal MacPherson (Bloomsbury 2016). Jess also has two short stories for teens and kids published in Australian anthologies Funny Bones (Allen and Unwin 2019) and Meet Me at the Intersection (Fremantle Press 2018), as well as poetry in anthologies, magazines and journals.

#More events

Queering the Narrative

Country of Focus / Main Festival

Queering the Narrative

slq Auditorium 2, level 2, State Library

Outside the Frame

Love YA / Free event

Outside the Frame

Brisbane Square Library

Using Stories to Inspire Imaginative Play

The Parlour, State Library of Queensland

Storytime with Alison McLennan

Families / Free event

Storytime with Alison McLennan

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