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Nornie Bero + Phil Mairu

kuril dhagun, level 1, State Library

Free event


#About the event


Nornie Bero

Nornie Bero

Nornie Bero is an Island girl - from the Komet Tribe of the Meriam people of Mer Island, she was raised in the Torres Strait. As a professional chef for over 20 years in Melbourne and London, Bero is passionate about sharing the food culture she grew up with on the Islands. She is the owner and executive chef of Mabu Mabu, a hospitality and food business in Melbourne that celebrates the fantastic Indigenous produce and flavours from across this big Island now known as Australia. Through her retail products and venues; Big Esso at Federation Square and Tuckshop in Yarraville, Bero is on a mission to get native herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, and sustainable meats in every Australian kitchen pantry.

Phil Mairu

Phil Mairu

Phil is a Torres Strait Island man, whose mother is from Badu Island, and father is from Koedal clan from Saibai Island and Seisia on Cape York Peninsula.

Phil has worked in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Employment sector, with strong involvement in community groups. In 2021 he was part of the QLD Coming of the Light 150th Anniversary celebrations and is currently the Torres Strait representative Member of the QLD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dedicated Memorial Committee erecting a memorial in Anzac Square later this year.


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