The Art of Growing Up

John Marsden

Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland




#About the event


John Marsden

John Marsden

John Marsden has written more than 40 books, mostly for teenagers and children, including Tomorrow When the War Began, So Much to Tell You, and Letters from the Inside. He has sold over five million books worldwide, and has won every major award in Australia for young people's fiction.

South of Darkness, written for adults, won the Christina Stead Award for Best Novel of 2015. In August 2019, John’s newest book, The Art of Growing Up, a non-fiction work about education and parenting, will be published.

John's passionate interest in education led him to start two schools, Candlebark, on a vast forested estate near Romsey Victoria, and Alice Miller, at Macedon, a Year 7-12 school with a particular emphasis on the creative arts. The two schools enrol 380 students in 2019.


James Moloney

James Moloney

James Moloney is one of Australia’s most respected writers for Young Adults and Children. His novels have won numerous awards and regularly feature in children’s choice awards. A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove is widely studied in schools. His deeply emotional novel for adults, The Love That I Have, set in a Nazi concentration camp, generated overwhelming response from readers and appeared on many best seller lists during 2018.


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Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland

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