In conversation with Susan Forde


Fr Rod Bower

Cinema A, GoMA

Culture/Social Equity



#About the event


Fr Rod Bower

Fr Rod Bower

The venerable Rod Bower is an Anglican priest, Rector of Gosford where he has served for 16 years and Archdeacon of the Central Coast. 

Fr. Rod is a passionate advocate for a number of social justice and human rights issues. He believes that our treatment of Asylum Seekers, the lack of action on climate change and the failure to adequately recognize First Nations people damages our corporate soul. It has been said the he takes “a hard line on compassion”, he is committed to building social and cultural capital and contributing to the evolution of an Australia where there is respect, peace and harmony. 


Susan Forde

Susan Forde

Susan Forde is Director of the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, and Professor of Journalism at Griffith University, Brisbane. She works in the fields of alternative and independent media and recently carried out a Visiting Scholar’s appointment at New York University to investigate public trust, transparency and the media. She is the author of Challenging the News: The Journalism of Alternative and Community Media (Palgrave Macmillan); and co-author of Developing Dialogues: Indigenous and Ethnic Community Broadcasting in Australia (Intellect). Her newest work, Journalism for Climate Crisis: Public Engagement, Media Alternatives co-authored with colleagues from Griffith University and Simon Fraser University (Canada) was published by Routledge in early 2017. It offers different models for journalism that might mobilise the public and enable the media to better report climate crisis. She worked as a journalist in the independent and alternative media before joining academia.

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