Love and Friendship

Sally Piper + Bridie Jabour + Helen Jukes (UK)

Festival Hub, Maiwar Green

Relationships / Romance



#About the event


Sally Piper

Sally Piper

Sally Piper is the author of three novels. Her most recent Bone Memories was a finalist in the 2023 Queensland Literary Awards for a Work of State Significance, the Courier Mail People’s Choice Queensland Book of the Year Award and was longlisted for the 2023 Dublin Literary Award and a Davitt Award. Her short fiction and non-fiction have appeared in various publications to include Griffith Review, The Saturday Paper, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Weekend Australian.

Bridie Jabour

Bridie Jabour

Bridie Jabour is assistant news editor at the Guardian where she has written commentary on social affairs, feminism and pop culture. She has reported on federal and state politics and appears regularly on ABC's The Drum, Triple J's Hack, ABC Weekend Breakfast and Sky News.

She has a Walkley in her house but it does not have her name on it.

Her debut novel is The Way Things Should Be.

Helen Jukes (UK)

Helen Jukes (UK)

Helen Jukes is a writer, beekeeper, and writing tutor. Her writing has appeared in Caught by the River, BBC Wildlife, Resurgence, Backroad Journal, The Junket, and LITRO. She tutors on the creative writing programme at Oxford University, and also with the Bee Friendly Trust, a London-based charity founded by beekeeper Luke Dixon to promote our understanding of honeybees and help nurture sustainable habitats.

She lives in the Welsh Marches, UK.


Alex Adsett

Alex Adsett

Alex Adsett is a literary agent and publishing consultant with more than 25 years’ experience working in the publishing and bookselling industry. She has managed Alex Adsett Literary since 2008, and has helped thousands of authors review and negotiate their publishing deals. As an agent she represents more than 50 authors of all ages and genres, including Melissa Lucashenko, Dinuka McKenzie, Jodi McAlister, Christine Jackman, and many more. She regularly speaks on copyright and contracts around Australia, and is an alumni of the Australia Council Arts Leaders Program 2019.

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