Raimond Gaita: Justice and Hope

Raimond Gaita + Richard King

Queensland Terrace, slq

Regular Program



#About the event


Raimond Gaita

Raimond Gaita

Raimond Gaita is Honourary Professorial Fellow in the Melbourne Law School and Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy at King's College London. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. The University of Antwerp awarded him the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa “for his exceptional contribution to contemporary moral philosophy and for his singular contribution the role of the intellectual in today’s academic world”.

His books include Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception, Romulus, My Father, which was made into a feature film of the same name, A Common Humanity: Thinking About Love & Truth & Justice, The Philosopher’s Dog. After Romulus, as editor with Gerry Simpson, Who’s Afraid of International Law and, most recently, edited by Scott Stevens, Hope and Justice: Essays, Lectures and Other Writings.

Richard King

Richard King

Richard King is an author, critic and poet based in Fremantle. Raised in the United Kingdom, he gained an MA in Literary History and Cultural Discourse and worked in publishing before moving to Australia. His work appears widely, including in The Australian, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Independent, The Monthly, Griffith Review, The Sydney Review of Books, Meanjin, Overland, New Matilda, Australian Book Review and 3 Quarks Daily (for whom he wrote a regular column between 2016 and 2018), The Best Australian Poems and The Best Australian Science Writing. His first book, On Offence: The Politics of Indignation, was published in Australia and the United Kingdom. King writes regularly for Arena, focusing on the relationship between culture and technology. His website is bloodycrossroads.com. His latest book is Here Be Monsters: Is Technology Reducing Our Humanity? (Monash University Publishing, 2023).

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