Let's Imagine the End of the World
Inga Simpson + Claire G. Coleman + Aimée Lindorff + Rebecca Hawkes
slq Auditorium 2, level 2, State Library
Country of Focus / Main Festival
#About the event
Duration: 60 minutes
In their dazzling, shocking and sometimes heart stopping works, these writers imagine and depict the end of human civilisation. What do their poems and stories say about the environmental, political, racial, financial and geopolitical crises in which we find ourselves now?
Panel: Claire G. Coleman, Rebecca Hawkes, Inga Simpson
Chair: Aimée Lindorff

Event Sponsors

Inga Simpson
Inga Simpson is the author of Willowman, The Last Woman in the World, Mr Wigg, Nest, Where the Trees Were, as well as Understory: my life with trees and, for children, The Book of Australian Trees, illustrated by Alicia Rogerson. Inga’s novels have been short and longlisted for numerous awards, including the Miles Franklin and Stella Prize, while Understory was shortlisted for the Adelaide Writers Week award for nonfiction. Inga has PhDs in creative writing and English literature, with her most recent thesis exploring the history of Australian nature writing. Her short stories and essays have been published in Wonderground, Chicago Quarterly Review, Griffith Review, Openbook, Review of Australian Fiction, Clues, Writing Queensland, and The Dictionary of Literary Biography.
Claire G. Coleman
Claire G. Coleman is a Wirlomin Noongar woman whose ancestral country is on the south coast of Western Australia. Born in Perth she has spent most of her life in Naarm (Melbourne) or on the road. She has written 3 novels Terra Nullius (2019), The Old Lie (2019), and Enclave and a non-fiction book Lies Damned Lies: A personal exploration of the the impact of colonisation (2021). Her art criticism has been published in Spectrum, Artlink and Art Collector and in exhibition catalogues for NGV, AGSA and NGA and others. Her conceptual/video work Refugium won the Incinerator Art Award in 2021 and she will feature in a number of exhibitions in 2022. She writes novels, poetry, short-fiction, drama and essay and has featured in the Saturday Paper, the Guardian, Meanjin, Australian Poetry and many others. Her short fiction and poetry has been published in multiple anthologies.
Aimée Lindorff
Aimée Lindorff is an Australian cultural producer, arts reviewer, podcaster, and story editor. She's developed and produced projects for the likes of Netflix, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Universal Pictures, Discovery Channel, and Gold Coast Film Festival, and is in-demand as an event host, appearing for Brisbane Libraries, Supanova, and at festivals across the country. She produced and hosted SQ On Air podcast for Screen Queensland, and is co-founder of cross-platform production team Inside Voice.
Rebecca Hawkes
Rebecca Hawkes is a queer Pākehā poet and painter who grew up on a sheep and beef farm in New Zealand's South Island. With poems widely published in Aotearoa journals, Rebecca’s debut chapbook Softcore Coldsores was published in AUP New Poets 5 for the re-ignition of the series in 2019. Meat Lovers, unleashed by Auckland University Press in 2022, is her first full-length collection. Rebecca is an editor for literary journal Sweet Mammalian and the climate change poetry anthology No Other Place to Stand (forthcoming from Auckland University Press).
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