Who Am I, Really? (Online)

Claire Christian + Bernard Gallate + Georgina Young



#About the event


Claire Christian

Claire Christian

Claire Christian tells stories: she is a writer, theatre maker and facilitator. Her first novel, Beautiful Mess won the Text Prize in 2016 and was released in 2017. Her second novel, It’s Been a Pleasure, Noni Blake was released in 2020. Both have been published internationally. She has had the great joy of directing Michelle Law’s smash hit comedy Single Asian Female since 2017. She is a proud member of the Mama’s Boys theatre collective whose hip-hop theatrical explosion Brothers Book Club premiered in 2022. Her Plays Lysa and the Freeborn Dames, Talking to Brick Walls, Hedonism’s Second Album and The Landmine is Me are available through Playlab Inc. Her second novel, It’s Been a Pleasure, Noni Blake was released in 2020. Both her novels have been published internationally. Claire’s last novel West Side Honey was released in April 2023.

Bernard Gallate

Bernard Gallate

Bernard Gallate began his professional life in the animation industry with Hanna-Barbera, later working for Disney and a multimedia agency. After studying acting, he ran climbing tours of the Sydney Harbour Bridge for six years, while writing and illustrating four books for younger readers. Bernard has been teaching programs on the archaeology of Sydney for over a decade. He drew inspiration for his first novel, The Origin of Me, from the historical sites he's worked on. 

Georgina Young

Georgina Young

Georgina Young is a writer and designer from Melbourne. She has previously had her work published in Voiceworks magazine, as well as in Branches, an anthology published by the Bowen Street Press. Loner is her first novel. 

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Love, Sweet Love!

slq Auditorium 2, level 2, State Library

Adults! (Online)
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