Reclaiming the Narrative (Online)

Anita Heiss + Claire Christian + Maria Lewis + Aimee Lindorff



#About the event


Anita Heiss

Anita Heiss

Anita Heiss is an internationally published, award-winning author of 25 books across genres. She's a proud member of the Wiradyuri Nation, a Lifetime Ambassador for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, and Professor of Communications at the University of Queensland. 

Anita adapted her novel Tiddas for the stage and it premiered at La Boite as part of the 2022 Brisbane Festival, and was featured in the Sydney Festival, 2024.

Anita is Publisher at Large for the First Nations imprint Bundyi (Simon & Schuster, Australia). She enjoys running, eating chocolate and being a creative disruptor. 

Claire Christian

Claire Christian

Claire Christian tells stories: she is a writer, theatre maker and facilitator. Her first novel, Beautiful Mess won the Text Prize in 2016 and was released in 2017. Her second novel, It’s Been a Pleasure, Noni Blake was released in 2020. Both have been published internationally. She has had the great joy of directing Michelle Law’s smash hit comedy Single Asian Female since 2017. She is a proud member of the Mama’s Boys theatre collective whose hip-hop theatrical explosion Brothers Book Club premiered in 2022. Her Plays Lysa and the Freeborn Dames, Talking to Brick Walls, Hedonism’s Second Album and The Landmine is Me are available through Playlab Inc. Her second novel, It’s Been a Pleasure, Noni Blake was released in 2020. Both her novels have been published internationally. Claire’s last novel West Side Honey was released in April 2023.

Maria Lewis

Maria Lewis

Maria Lewis in the author of the Who's Afraid? series, which is published worldwide and currently being adapted for television by Hoodlum Entertainment. Previously seen on nightly news program The Feed on SBS, her work as a journalist has also appeared in the New York Post, Empire Magazine, Penthouse, The Daily Mail and many more. She's the host and producer of the Eff Yeah Film & Feminism podcast.

Aimee Lindorff

Aimee Lindorff

Aimée Lindorff is an Australian cultural producer, arts reviewer, podcaster, and story editor. She's developed and produced projects for the likes of Netflix, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Universal Pictures, Discovery Channel, and Gold Coast Film Festival, and is in-demand as an event host, appearing for Brisbane Libraries, Supanova, and at festivals across the country. She produced and hosted SQ On Air podcast for Screen Queensland, and is co-founder of cross-platform production team Inside Voice.

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