The Big End of Town (Online)

David Fagan + Lindy Edwards + Jane R Goodall



#About the event


David Fagan

David Fagan

DAVID FAGAN is an author and a former decade-long editor of one of Australia's largest newspapers, The Courier-Mail. He spent more than three decades in journalism, mainly in the fields of business and politics at The Courier-Mail and The Australian. He is an adjunct professor of business at QUT and sits on a number of corporate boards. David is the father of three daughters, and it was their questions about the world they will inherit that bore the seeds for his most recent book Has the Luck Run Out?

Lindy Edwards

Lindy Edwards

Dr Lindy Edwards is a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of New South Wales whose previous books include ‘How to Argue with an Economist: Re-opening Political Debate in Australia’ Cambridge University Press, and ‘The Passion of Politics: the Role of Ideology in Australia’, Allen & Unwin. Prior to becoming an academic she worked as an economic adviser in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, as a senior policy adviser to then Leader of the Australian Democrats, Natasha Stott Despoja, and as press gallery journalist for the Sydney Morning Herald. She has been a Fellow of the Australian Prime Ministers Centre, the Centre for Policy Development and was on the board of the Think Tank Catalyst. She has appeared on The Project, The Drum, has had regular slots on ABC radio, as well as appearing in most Australian newspapers. 

Jane R Goodall

Jane R Goodall

Jane Goodall is the author of academic books and articles with a focus on the avant-garde and cultural change. These include recent contributions to the Cambridge Anthology of Theatre and Science (2020) and Artaud and the Gnostic Drama (2021). She has also written successful crime thrillers and contributed widely to publications on writing and cultural transition. Her most recent work is concerned with the urgent need for culturally driven political change in our own time, a case she argues in The Politics of the Common Good (NewSouth 2019). She writes regularly for Inside Story.

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slq Auditorium 2, level 2, State Library

Love, Sweet Love!
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