Writing to Save the Planet

Lucy Treloar + Alice Robinson + Rohan Wilson

Auditorium 2, State Library of Queensland




#About the event


Lucy Treloar

Lucy Treloar

ucy Treloar is a writer, occasional creative writing teacher, and artist in residence at Melbourne’s Meat Market. Her award-winning debut novel, Salt Creek, was also shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Literary Award and the UK’s Walter Scott Prize, and was published internationally in 2017. Her short fiction has been published in Sleepers, Overland, Seizure and Best Australian Stories, and her non-fiction in Meanjin and The Age among others. Wolfe Island is Lucy's second novel. Lucy lives in Melbourne with her family, and is working on her next novel and a PhD.

Alice Robinson

Alice Robinson

Alice Robinson grew up in Melbourne and regional Victoria. She earned a Bachelor of Creative Arts from The University of Melbourne and a PhD in Creative Writing from Victoria University, where she was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research. Her fiction, essays and reviews have been published widely in literary journals, including Kill Your Darlings, The Lifted Brow, Overland, TEXT, Fireflies, Arena and Meanjin. Alice’s debut novel, Anchor Point (Affirm Press), was longlisted for The Stella Prize and the Indie Book Awards (debut fiction) in 2016. Her second novel, The Glad Shout (Affirm Press) was published in early 2019.
Rohan Wilson

Rohan Wilson

Rohan Wilson is an award-winning writer and critic. He is a bestselling author of three novels, The Roving Party (2011) To Name Those Lost (2014), and Daughter of Bad Times (2019). Rohan lives in Brisbane where he lectures in creative writing.


Bec Mac

Bec Mac

Bec Mac is an artist, creative entrepreneur and Queen of Arts Communication who has founded innovative game-changing work LOVE TV, POPSART Artsmedia and more recently Chrysalis Projects creative placemaker.


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