Selling Fast

The Glovemaker

Ann Weisgarber

Cinema B, GoMA




#About the event


Ann Weisgarber

Ann Weisgarber

Ann Weisgarber is the author of three novels: THE GLOVEMAKER, THE PROMISE, and THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF RACHEL DUPREE. She won the Stephen Turner Award for First Fiction and the Langum Prize for American Historical Fiction. She was a finalist for Scotland’s Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction and the Orange Award for New Writers in the United Kingdom. The film rights for THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF RACHEL DUPREE are optioned by actress Viola Davis.

Ann earned a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Wright State University in Ohio, and a Master of Arts in Sociology from the University of Houston in Texas. Ann was inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters in 2014 and lives in Galveston, Texas.


Sarah L'Estrange

Sarah L'Estrange

Sarah L'Estrange has been in arts broadcasting for over 15 years and loves nothing more than to read a novel and then interview the author, and she gets to do it every week in her current role producing The Book Show, ABC Radio National. 


#More events

Archive as Source

Selling Fast

Auditorium 2, State Library of Queensland

Book Club: Meet Ann Weisgarber

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River Decks

Workshop: Historical Fiction & Archival Research

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White Gloves Room, State Library of Queensland

On Compassion


Lecture / Special

On Compassion

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