Growing Up Arab-Australian

Randa Abdel-Fattah + Sara Saleh + Sara El Sayed

QAG Lecture Theatre




#About the event


Randa Abdel-Fattah

Randa Abdel-Fattah

Randa Abdel-Fattah is a Palestinian Egyptian Muslim writer, academic, anti-racism and Palestine advocate, former lawyer and the multi-award-winning author of 13 books published in over 20 countries. She is the series editor of the forthcoming new children’s book series Our Stories (2022, Pan Macmillan). Her first picture story book, 11 Words for Love, illustrated by Maxine Beneba Clarke, is due for release in 2022 (Hachette). Randa is also a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Sociology at Macquarie University where she researches Islamophobia, race, social justice movements and youth identities. Randa lives in Sydney with her husband and four children.

Sara Saleh

Sara Saleh

Sara Saleh is an award-winning Arab-Australian poet and long-time campaigner for refugee rights and racial justice who has worked with human rights organisations in Australia and across the Middle East.

Sara El Sayed

Sara El Sayed

Sara El Sayed is a writer based in Meanjin (Brisbane). In 2020 she received a Queensland Writers Fellowship, and was shortlisted for the Queensland Premier's Young Publishers and Writers Award. Her debut memoir, Muddy People, is out now.


Omar Sakr

Omar Sakr

Omar Sakr is the author of two acclaimed poetry collections, These Wild Houses (Cordite Books) and The Lost Arabs (UQP). The Lost Arabs won the 2020 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry and was shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Literary Award, the John Bray Poetry Award, the Judith Wright Calanthe Award, and the Colin Roderick Award. Omar is a widely published essayist and editor whose work has been translated into Arabic and Spanish. Born to Lebanese and Turkish Muslim migrants in Western Sydney, he lives there still. Son of Sin is his first novel.


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