The Art of Seeing with Anthony Lawrence

Workshop - Writing Poetry

Anthony Lawrence

Queensland Writers Centre

Masterclass Workshops

How to Write / Poetry / Workshop



#About the event


Anthony Lawrence

Anthony Lawrence

Anthony Lawrence's most recent books are 101 Poems (Pitt Street Poetry, 2018) and Headwaters, (Pitt Street Poetry, 2016), winner of the 2017 Prime Minister's Literature Award for Poetry. His books and individual poems have won many awards, including the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal, the Blake Poetry Prize, the Newcastle Poetry Prize, the Peter Porter Poetry Prize, and the NSW Premiers Award. A book of prose poems, Explaining Villanelles to an Alien is forthcoming in 2018.

He is a Senior lecturer at Griffith university, where he teaches Writing Poetry and Creative Writing. He lives on Moreton Bay with his partner the artist Julie Manning.

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