Stephen Mam was born and raised in Brisbane, Queensland. He is of Torres Strait Islander descent and is heavily influenced by his multicultural knowledge and experiences.
Throughout the years, Stephen has extended his knowledge of culture and multiculturalism through travel, having travelled extensively through Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Europe, United Arab Emirates and Egypt.
He explored these interests, studying Social Science, majoring in Development and minoring in Environment and Society at the University of Queensland.
He has been employed in a range of industries, including culture, community, health, information communications technology (ICT) and economics, among others.
From 2000 to 2003, Stephen worked as the Coordinator of Wagga Torres Strait Islanders Dance Company Pty. Ltd. and Brisbane Metro South CDEP. He also spent three years as an economic analyst for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in Canberra.
Stephen is the Executive Director / Founder of SIBW.
Stephen is currently a member of the national Statement from the Heart Working Group, Deputy Chair of Taringa Headspace Consortium, Community Engagement Coordinator & a former Committee Member of Reconciliation Queensland, Member of the Queensland Chief Magistrate’s Cultural Advisory Group, Member of BlakDance Indigenous contemporary dance peak body, as well as member of several other community organisations and projects.