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Bianca Valentino: Conversations with Punx

Bianca Valentino + Pascalle Burton

kuril dhagun, slq

Regular Program / Free Event



#About the event


Bianca Valentino

Bianca Valentino

Bianca Valentino is a writer and editor, she also publishes underground music magazine, Gimmie. She got her start making punk fanzines in the ‘90s and has written for national and international music, arts, and culture magazines for three decades. She’s a music fan, not a critic. Conversations with Punx is her first book.

Pascalle Burton

Pascalle Burton

Pascalle Burton is a Meanjin-based experimental poet and performer with an interest in conceptual art and cultural theory. She also plays in the band The Stress of Leisure. Her collection About the Author is Dead is available through Cordite Books. 

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