Anthologising and Editing

Megan Daley + Scott Stephens + Matthew Wengert + Samantha Faulkner + Edwina Shaw

slq The Studio

Regular Program



#About the event


Megan Daley

Megan Daley

Megan Daley is the author of the bestselling book Raising Readers (UQP, 2019) as well as Teacher, Teacher (Affirm Press, 2023) and The Beehive (Walker Books, 2024). Megan is a Teacher Librarian and early years educator and has been awarded the Australian Teacher Librarian of the Year and the Queensland Teacher Librarian of the Year, as well as the national Dromkeen Librarian’s Award. A former national vice-president of the Children’s Book Council of Australia, Megan is also a regular literary judge, a workshop presenter, the creator of the popular website Children's Books Daily and co-creator of the Your Kid's Next Read podcast.

Scott Stephens

Scott Stephens

Scott Stephens is the ABC’s Religion & Ethics online editor and the co-host, with Waleed Aly, of The Minefield on ABC Radio National. He and Waleed Aly are also the authors of Uncivil Wars: How contempt is corroding democracy (Quarterly Essay 87) (2022). He is editor of Justice and Hope: Essays, lectures and other writings by Raimond Gaita (2023), and the co-editor and translator of two volumes of the selected writings of Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, Interrogating the Real (2005) and The Universal Exception (2006).

Matthew Wengert

Matthew Wengert

Matthew Wengert is a researcher and writer of historical stories, with a particular interest in the violent history of Queensland's colonial frontier, and stories of epidemics. Matthew has a long working connection with the Ration Shed Museum in Cherbourg, and has been awarded with a Griffith Review Queensland Writing Fellowship (2017), BCC Lord Mayor's History Research Award (2018), and the John Oxley Fellowship at the State Library of Queensland (2019-20), and operates a small publishing business called AndAlso Books.

Samantha Faulkner

Samantha Faulkner

Samantha Faulkner is a Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal woman, (Badu and Moa Islands, Torres Strait and Yadhaigana and Wuthathi peoples, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland). Her poetry and short stories have been published nationally and internationally. She is the proud author of Life Blong Ali Drummond: A Life in the Torres Strait, (2007) and editor of Pamle: Torres Strait Islanders in Canberra (2018). She also is a member of the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Network, MARION (ACT Writers) and treasurer, First Nations Australia Writers Network and Us Mob Writing Group. In 2023, she was the inaugural Torres Strait Islander curator for the Brisbane Writers Festival. 

Edwina Shaw

Edwina Shaw

Edwina Shaw is a QLD writer and editor of fiction, memoir and screenplays. She is the author of A Guide Through Grief, Thrill Seekers, In the Dark of Night and over 40 short pieces that have appeared in literary journals and anthologies including Best Australian Stories. She is the contributing editor of Bjelke Blues, co-editor of Our Inside Voices, and ghostwriter/editor of Hard As. She teaches creative writing at UQ and also runs Relax and Write Retreats. 

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