The Art of Short Story Writing

Meg Vann + Amanda O'Callaghan

slq Auditorium 2, level 2, State Library



#About the event


Meg Vann

Meg Vann

A crime thriller writer, publisher, and academic, Meg interrogates representations of women’s criminality and victimhood as part of a broader cultural understanding of gendered violence. She runs Corella Press, and won UQ's 2018 Dr Melanie McKenzie Award. Her work is published in literary journals and interactive platforms.

Amanda O'Callaghan

Amanda O'Callaghan

Amanda O'Callaghan is a Brisbane-based author whose short stories and flash fiction have been published and won awards in Australia, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Her work has been awarded and shortlisted in the Bath Flash Fiction Award, Flash 500, Carmel Bird Award, Aeon Award, Bristol Short Story Prize and Fish Short Story Prize.
A former advertising executive, Amanda holds English degrees from King's College London, and a PhD for the University of Queensland. In 2016 she was a recipient of a Queensland Writers Fellowship. THIS TASTE FOR SILENCE is her debut collection.

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