Selling Fast

Workshop: Compelling Non-Fiction

Peter Lewis + Phillipa McGuinness

Heritage Collections Learning Room, State Library of Queensland




#About the event


Peter Lewis

Peter Lewis

Peter Lewis is the executive director of Essential, a progressive research and communications company. He has worked previously as a journalist and political advisor and is a regular columnist for Guardian Australia. His new book Webtopia: The worldwide wreck of tech and how to make the net work was published in June 2019.
Phillipa McGuinness

Phillipa McGuinness

Phillipa McGuinness is the author of Skin Deep: the inside story of our outer selves (Vintage, 2022). Her previous book was The Year Everything Changed: 2001, which was shortlisted for the Queensland Literary Awards and the Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature. She has written for The Guardian, the Sydney Morning Herald, Griffith Review, Meanjin and Inside Story. A former book publisher, she lives in Sydney. 


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