Something to Believe In

Andrew Stafford

Auditorium 1, State Library of Queensland




#About the event


Andrew Stafford

Andrew Stafford

Andrew Stafford is a freelance journalist and the author of Pig City, a book about Brisbane, and Something to Believe In, a music memoir. His journalism appears regularly in the Guardian, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Griffith Review and more.


Bec Mac

Bec Mac

Bec Mac is an artist, creative entrepreneur and Queen of Arts Communication who has founded innovative game-changing work LOVE TV, POPSART Artsmedia and more recently Chrysalis Projects creative placemaker.


#More events

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The Edge, State Library of Queensland

Toxic Masculinity

Auditorium 1, State Library of Queensland

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Auditorium 1, State Library of Queensland

Neoliberalism & its effects
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