Selling Fast
Benjamin Law + Alison Evans + Claire G. Coleman + Jax Jacki Brown
Brisbane Square Library
Panel / Love YA
#About the event
Duration: 60 minutes
Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories showcases some of Australia's best LGBTQ+ writers. The panel discusses identity, community, and finding your people and is moderated by contributing editor, Michael Earp.
Curated by Youth Ambassador Emily Winter.
Supported by the Australia Council for the Arts.
Benjamin Law
Benjamin Law is the author of The Family Law (2010), Gaysia (2012), the Quarterly Essay 'Moral Panic 101' (2017) and editor of Growing Up Queer in Australia (2019). He also created and co-wrote three seasons of the award-winning SBS TV series The Family Law and the play Torch the Place for Melbourne Theatre Company. He's co-host of the national pop culture show Stop Everything on ABC Radio National.
Alison Evans
Claire G. Coleman
Claire G. Coleman is a Wirlomin Noongar woman whose ancestral country is on the south coast of Western Australia. Born in Perth she has spent most of her life in Naarm (Melbourne) or on the road. She has written 3 novels Terra Nullius (2019), The Old Lie (2019), and Enclave and a non-fiction book Lies Damned Lies: A personal exploration of the the impact of colonisation (2021). Her art criticism has been published in Spectrum, Artlink and Art Collector and in exhibition catalogues for NGV, AGSA and NGA and others. Her conceptual/video work Refugium won the Incinerator Art Award in 2021 and she will feature in a number of exhibitions in 2022. She writes novels, poetry, short-fiction, drama and essay and has featured in the Saturday Paper, the Guardian, Meanjin, Australian Poetry and many others. Her short fiction and poetry has been published in multiple anthologies.