New Histories

Mark McKenna + Michael Aird

kuril dhagun, State Library of Queensland

Panel / Selling Fast



kuril dhagun, State Library of Queensland

#About the event


Mark McKenna

Mark McKenna

Mark McKenna is one of Australia's leading historians. A Professor of History at the University of Sydney, his books have won several national awards while his essays, reviews and commentary appear regularly in The Monthly, ABR and The Australian. His most recent book is From the Edge: Australia's Lost Histories (MUP 2016).

Michael Aird

Michael Aird

Michael Aird is Director of the University of Queensland Anthropology Museum and ARC Research Fellow. He has worked in the area of Aboriginal arts and cultural heritage since 1985 maintaining an interest in documenting aspects of urban Aboriginal history and culture. He has curated over 30 exhibitions including; Portraits of Our Elders (1993) a Queensland Museum travelling exhibition, Transforming Tindale (2012) at the State Library of Queensland, Captured: Early Brisbane Photographers and Their Aboriginal Subjects (2014) at the Museum of Brisbane. In 1996 he established Keeaira Press an independent publishing house, producing over 35 books. Other publications he has contributed to include; Photography's Other Histories (2003) edited by Christopher Pinney and Nicolas Peterson, also Calling The Shots: Aboriginal Photographies (2014) edited by Jane Lydon, and the art Gallery of News South Wales exhibition catalogue, The photograph and Australia (2015) edited by Judy Annear.

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