Presented by Bond University

It's A Writers Life for Me

Caroline Graham + Kerrie Davies + Catherine Lacey + Dennis Glover

Auditorium 2, State Library of Queensland




Auditorium 2, State Library of Queensland

#About the event


Caroline Graham

Caroline Graham

Caroline Graham has worked as a newspaper reporter and magazine writer, and now teaches journalism and creative arts at Bond University. She is happiest with a book or a pen in her hands and, whenever she’s not in the classroom, she’s hiding in coffee shops or libraries, writing fiction and creative non-fiction. Caroline has a research master’s degree in creative writing from the University of Wollongong and is currently writing a novel as part of her PhD. She is the co-author of the ‘Writing Feature Stories: How to research and write articles from listicles to longform’.

Kerrie Davies

Kerrie Davies

Kerrie Davies is a media academic at UNSW and the author of A Wife's Heart (UQP 2017) . She completed a doctor of arts at University of Sydney, has worked for a journalist for Vogue, The Collective and The Weekend Australian, among other outlets. Kerrie is also co-author of The Colonial Literary Journalism Database. 

Catherine Lacey

Catherine Lacey

Catherine Lacey is the author of The Answers and Nobody is Ever Missing. She has won a Whiting Award, was a finalist for the NYPL's Young Lions Fiction Award, and named one of Granta Magazine's Best Young American Novelists. Her work has been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch & German.

Dennis Glover

Dennis Glover

Dennis Glover has worked for two decades as an historian, newspaper columnist, political adviser and speechwriter to a number of federal Labor leaders. He has a PhD in history from the University of Cambridge where he was a member of King's College. He has written three non-fiction books and was included in Best Australian Essays 2014. The Last Man in Europe is his first novel.


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