Curated Worlds
Natalie Collie + Maria Lewis + Emily Philip + Dennis Glover + Garth Nix
Auditorium 2, State Library of Queensland
Panel / Presented by UQ
#About the event
Duration: 60 minutes
George Orwell's 1984 could now be read as an eerie prediction of our future. This panel will explore how authors create imaginary worlds while reflecting their contemporary context.
Natalie Collie
Natalie teaches in the writing and communication programs in the School of Communication and Arts at the University of Queensland. Her research interests include science fiction, cities, and digital culture.
Maria Lewis
Maria Lewis in the author of the Who's Afraid? series, which is published worldwide and currently being adapted for television by Hoodlum Entertainment. Previously seen on nightly news program The Feed on SBS, her work as a journalist has also appeared in the New York Post, Empire Magazine, Penthouse, The Daily Mail and many more. She's the host and producer of the Eff Yeah Film & Feminism podcast.
Emily Philip
Emily Philip is a former indie bookseller and book reviewer who now works at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre. From her earliest years, Emily has loved stories – in books, on screen, performed, spoken, overheard. Emily’s own story is rather small and set entirely in Brisbane, but if books have taught her anything (and of course they have), she knows that even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
Dennis Glover
Dennis Glover has worked for two decades as an historian, newspaper columnist, political adviser and speechwriter to a number of federal Labor leaders. He has a PhD in history from the University of Cambridge where he was a member of King's College. He has written three non-fiction books and was included in Best Australian Essays 2014. The Last Man in Europe is his first novel.
Garth Nix
A full-time writer since 2001, Garth Nix previously worked as a literary agent, marketing consultant, book editor, book publicist, book sales representative, bookseller, and as a part-time soldier in the Australian Army Reserve. Garth’s books include the award-winning young adult fantasy novels Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen; the dystopian novel Shade’s Children; the space opera A Confusion of Princes; and a Regency romance with magic, Newt’s Emerald. More than five million copies of his books have been sold around the world, his books have appeared on the bestseller lists of The New York Times, Publishers Weekly, The Guardian and The Australian, and his work has been translated into 40 languages. He lives in a Sydney beach suburb with his wife and two children.