Earlier this year, along with our friends at Dendy Cinema, we hosted a ‘Secret Life of Pets’ competition, with young storytellers sending in their short stories, all about what their pets get up to when they’re alone.
The winner of the competition was Arianne Ruth. Arianne and her family attended the special preview screening of Secret Life of Pets at Dendy Portside, and joined us at Word Play to see Katherine Battersby and Ted Prior.
Congratulations Arianne! You can read this up-and-coming author’s story below.
#The Cat Party by Arianne Wuth
Austin crept down the darkening hallway as the humans slowly rolled in their beds. His eyes glowed with reflected light.
‘Come on!’ he mewed into the darkness. ‘The path is clear.’ The moment he silenced his calls, two ghostly figures slunk out of the shadows, eyes gleaming menacingly.
‘The girl…’ the biggest one, Possum, hissed. ‘Where is the girl?’
‘Trying on the humans’ clothes,’ replied Austin. ‘I think.’
‘But where?’ hissed Possum.
‘Here,’ a young voice cooed. The cats turned to see a cute kitten waltz into view.
‘Then we are ready to go, correct, Barley?’ the smallest male enquired.
‘Ready to go, correct, Xander,’ she echoed.
The mysterious cats set out into the darkness of the house, sashaying towards the door. Finally, they reached the towering barrier that the humans call a “Door”. One by one, they piled up against the “Door”, until Barley could reach the handle. Slowly, oh so slowly, the barrier squeaked open. They leapt out of the housing box and swept down the street. Then they reached a dark alleyway, and casually slid into a gap in the side of the wall. Possum led them into a room full of glaring eyes. Xander shivered, but not because he was cold; it was because of the cold, watchful glares the cats were throwing around the room.
‘THEY’RE HERE!!’ one cat cried.
‘Let’s party!!!’ yelled another. The watching cats relaxed. Suddenly lights danced around the room, creating patterns of light across the cats’ bodies.
Austin shoved Xander onto the dance floor, where he fell onto his fluffy face. After that, Xander didn’t go on the dance floor at all. Barley was dancing a slow dance with Possum. And Austin was dancing better than the others, thanks to the music:
Finally, the crazy cat party was over, and Austin was commenting on the party.
‘And then I was all like, “I love a good cat fight!” to Possum,’ he said.
‘Shut up, Austin. We all saw that fight. I was in it.’ Barley retorted. After that, they stayed silent. Once they reached their yard, Possum bid them adieu, and hopped over the fence, until the night to come. And Austin, Xander and Barley went back in through the open door and collapsed into a heap on the couch. But in the morning…
‘You silly cats look like you’ve been partying all night,’ said Arianne, looking at their mussed up fur. ‘But I know you were right here, asleep on my bed. Where else could you have been?’