Character Perspectives in Amie Kaufman's 'The Isles of the Gods'

By Josephine Renee

Amie Kaufman is appearing at this year's festival in a number of events across the regular program and youth programs (Love YA and Word Play), plus a workshop. Tickets are selling fast and some events are already booked out, so make sure you get in quick — click the button below to book now!

Scroll further down to read Youth Ambassador Josephine's review of Amie's most recent book, 'The Isles of the Gods', and her thoughts on character perspectives in the novel.

Youth AmbassadorsBook Review

Everyday Magic


Word Play / Older Grades

Everyday Magic

Naomi Novik: Scholomance


Special Event

Naomi Novik: Scholomance

The Edge Auditorium, slq

Gods, Magic and Monsters


Regular Program

Gods, Magic and Monsters

The Edge Auditorium, slq

About Josephine
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