Associate Professor Paul Harpur (introductory video) is a leading international and comparative disability rights legal academic having held an academic fellowship with the Harvard Law School Project on Disability, and visiting positions with the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, Institute for Lifecourse & Society, National University of Ireland, Galway and with the Burton Blatt Institute, College of Law, Syracuse University, New York. Following his work at Syracuse University, Associate Professor Harpur has been appointed an International Distinguished Fellow with the Burton Blatt Institute from 2015 onwards and a 2020 academic fellow of the Harvard Law School Project on Disabilities. He is a former Fulbrighter, having been awarded a prestigious Fulbright Future Scholarship entitled Universally Designed for Whom? Disability, the Law and Practice of Expanding the "Normal User".
In 2021 Dr Harpur was awarded a 4 year Future Fellowship, commencing in 2022, with the Australian Research Council entitled Normalizing Ability Diversity through Career Transitions: Disability at Work.