Lisa Gorton
Lisa Gorton lives in Melbourne and writes poetry, fiction and essays. She completed a doctorate on John Donne’s poetry and prose at Oxford University. Her awards include the Phillip Hodgins Memorial Medal, the Victorian Premier's Prize for Poetry, the NSW Premier’s People’s Choice Award for Fiction, and the Prime Minister’s Prize for Fiction (shared). She edited Black Inc’s Best Australian Poems 2013 and worked with Toby Fitch to co-edit the 2015 Australian Poetry Anthology.
Lisa is the poetry editor of Island magazine. She also works as a poetry editor at Giramondo Publishing, where she edited Toby Fitch's forthcoming poetry collection Sydney Spleen. Lisa's two most recent publications are her novel The Life of Houses and the poetry collection Empirical, recently shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Prize for Poetry and the Prime Minister’s Prize for Poetry. Toby Fitch, as editor of Australian Poetry Journal volume 7 in 2017, edited the long poem that is the centrepiece of that work.