Writing Men's Stories

Samantha Faulkner + Benny Mills + Aaron Fa'Aoso

kuril dhagun, slq

Free event / Main Festival



#About the event


Samantha Faulkner

Samantha Faulkner

Samantha Faulkner is a Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal woman, (Badu and Moa Islands, Torres Strait and Yadhaigana and Wuthathi peoples, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland). Her poetry and short stories have been published nationally and internationally. She is the proud author of Life Blong Ali Drummond: A Life in the Torres Strait, (2007) and editor of Pamle: Torres Strait Islanders in Canberra (2018). She also is a member of the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Network, MARION (ACT Writers) and treasurer, First Nations Australia Writers Network and Us Mob Writing Group. In 2023, she was the inaugural Torres Strait Islander curator for the Brisbane Writers Festival. 

Aaron Fa'Aoso

Aaron Fa'Aoso

Aaron Fa’Aoso is a Torres Strait Islander film producer, director, screenwriter and actor. He is known for his roles in RAN: Remote Area Nurse, East West 101, The Straits, Black Comedy, and as the presenter of Strait to the Plate and Going Places with Ernie Dingo. Aaron is the executive director of his own film and television production company, Lone Star, which created the documentary series Blue Water Empire, about the history of the Torres Strait Islands. Aaron is a board member of Screen Queensland and belongs to several government and not-for-profit advisory committees. He holds a Masters Degree of Film Business from the Australian Film, Television and Radio School. 

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