Admissions: Voices Within Mental Health

Martin Ingle + David Stavanger + Pascalle Burton + Shastra Deo + Wendy Burton

slq The Studio

Main Festival



#About the event


Martin Ingle

Martin Ingle

Martin Ingle is a writer, filmmaker and obsessive-compulsive worrywart who lives and works on Yuggera land. His work spans all things documentary, fiction, theatre and mental health. His comedy-drama series Disorderly was developed with Screen Queensland in 2018 and among other gongs was an international finalist for the prestigious ScreenCraft Fellowship. Suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder to varying degrees of severity for many years, he is a fierce mental health advocate, featuring in the OCD episode of the ABC’s You Can’t Ask That in 2021, and playing the lead role (opposite a plush toy dinosaur) in the Screen Australia–developed series about OCD, Plushed. He's one of five authors of Try Not To Think Of A Pink Elephant (Fremantle Press 2022), and is one of many contributors to mental health anthology Admissions (Upswell Publishing 2022). His other writing has been published in The Guardian, The Sydney Morning Herald, ABC News Online, The Chaser and The Shovel.

David Stavanger

David Stavanger

David Stavanger is poet, performer, cultural producer, editor and former psychologist living on unceded Dharawal land. He currently works for Red Room Poetry producing Poetry Month and MAD Poetry. David is the co-editor of Solid Air: Collected Australian & New Zealand Spoken Word (UQP, 2019) and more recently Admissions: Voices Within Mental Health (Upswell, 2022.) His first full-length poetry collection, The Special (UQP, 2014), was awarded several prizes and his latest collection, Case Notes (UWAP, 2020), won the 2021 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry.

Pascalle Burton

Pascalle Burton

Pascalle Burton is a Meanjin-based experimental poet and performer with an interest in conceptual art and cultural theory. She also plays in the band The Stress of Leisure. Her collection About the Author is Dead is available through Cordite Books. 

Shastra Deo

Shastra Deo

Shastra Deo was born in Fiji, raised in Melbourne, and lives in Brisbane. Her first book, The Agonist (UQP 2017), won the 2016 Arts Queensland Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize and the 2018 Australian Literature Society Gold Medal. Her second book, The Exclusion Zone (UQP 2023), is out now. 

Wendy Burton

Wendy Burton

Wendy Burton is living independently in the place of her dreams.

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