#About the event
Duration: 90 minutes
Have a wonderful idea for a book, but need help? How about a roomful of publishers and agents and three minutes to pitch your work? You'll need to be well organised to get the most out of this Literary Speed Dating event.
Please note, this event is for members of the Australian Society of Authors and Queensland Writers Centre only.
#About the Event
A roomful of publishers and agents and three minutes to pitch your work, ask a question or exchange email addresses. Bring your solid story idea, business cards and pitching skills.
Literary speed dating is a marketplace for writers to pitch their concepts to publishers. You will require a certain level of flexibility to get the most out of the event, as we do not have booked pitching slots.
When you get to the event the agents and publishers will be seated at tables with their names displayed. When the event opens, select the person you wish to pitch to and then line up in front of them. You will have three minutes to do your pitch and answer/ask any questions. At the end of your three minutes a hooter will sound, meaning you have to leave the table. Please respect the person behind you and move quickly to your next publisher.
This will continue until the end of the session. Towards the end crowds often thin out as some people leave once they have spoken to the person they came to pitch to. Make the most of this time to jump on the shorter queues so you get as much feedback as you can from the publishers there. Sometimes publishers request further contact or information but essentially this is an opportunity for you to consolidate the idea you have, prepare a pitch, deliver your pitch as professionally as possible to a publisher, and take on board their feedback. It is also a great networking opportunity to meet other writers.
The event is fun, full of energy and the publishers work hard to give you their feedback so please be respectful and courteous. Having prepared your pitch and gone through the pitching process is an excellent experience as a budding writer so please relax, enjoy the day and get the most out of it you can.
#Frequently Asked Questions
Why don't you have booked pitching slots?
Ever been to a parent/teacher night where the appointment in front of you runs over or someone doesn't turn up? Before long it turns into a shambles with people waiting in line anyway. We decided to follow a less structured system.
Why do we only get three minutes?
The publisher feedback from past events was that three minutes was ideal. You should be able to reveal your concept in one line, two at the most which leaves you sufficient time to answer questions, add more information if requested and gain feedback.
What should I bring?
With three minutes to pitch, you don’t need to bring a portfolio of work or a whole manuscript. If you have an illustrated children’s book, then you could bring a sample illustration.
Any tips on how to prepare?
Aim to keep your pitch to around 2 minutes which will leave time for you to receive feedback. Ideally, your pitch will include:
1. What the work is
2. Where it fits in the market
3. Who you are, your experience and why you’re the best person to tell this story
#Publishers and Agents Attending
Looking for: Fiction for all ages from pictures books to adult, with a strong narrative. Particular interest in genre fiction, but all fiction with powerful story and characters. Not looking for memoir or spirituals.
Publisher: Angela Meyer
Looking for: Adult fiction (general, historical, crime and thrillers, romance, speculative, literary), narrative nonfiction. Not looking for Children’s books.
Owner: John Hunter
Looking for: Fiction, non-fiction and poetry writing that is original and engaged. Not publishing children’s books.
Submissions Editor: James Read
Looking for: Fiction and non-fiction books with bestseller-potential and with strong, quality writing and style. For fiction, our focus is on mass-market and popular books, that is, great stories that are riveting and well-written. For non-fiction, our focus is on books that foster ideas and debate. Actively seeking Young Adult fiction.
NOT currently publishing picture or illustrated books, cookbooks, self-help books, health and well-being books, travel books, poetry, play scripts, short stories, compilations, novellas, chapter books or children’s books (by children’s books, we mean books for under 12's).
Penguin Random House Australia
Commissioning Editor: Lex Hirst
Looking for: Exciting voices in both adult fiction and nonfiction and I'm particularly interested in stories about identity, and writing that will blow me away. Literary fiction to true crime, dystopian fiction to commercial women’s fiction. Not looking for children’s books.
Owner: Sue Wright
Represents: Multimedia projects, novellas, picture books, zines, short stories, collaborative projects.
Partner: Leonie Tyle
Looking for: Tyle and Bateson provide publishing services including editing, mentorships, manuscript appraisal. Looking to meet publishers, writers & creators who require publishing services.