In Your Suburb at Garden City Library

Don Watson

Garden City Library

BWF In Your Suburb / Selling Fast



Garden City Library

#About the event


Don Watson

Don Watson

Don Watson's bestselling titles include Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: Paul Keating Prime Minister, Death Sentence and The Bush, which won the Indie Book of the Year and the NSW Premier's Literary Award. An acclaimed speechwriter and screenwriter, he is also beloved for his columns and essays on Australian and American politics.

#More events

Embracing Nature



Embracing Nature

Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland

The Killing Season


Panel / Selling Fast

The Killing Season

Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland

In Your Suburb at Bracken Ridge Library

Bracken Ridge Library

Workshop:  All the Beast from Head to Tail


Workshops / For Writers

Workshop: All the Beast from Head to Tail

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